A way to upload arbitrary files to the site – create a link on this page, select type file, add a new file, and link to it. The link can then be used on other pages, the URL to use can be found by clicking on the link in the editor.

This might seem like a hack, and it is, but it is the SquareSpace Way™

FAQ Support

JavaScript for FAQ and keyword search: EC_faqKeyword.js - minified version for pages EC_faqKeyword_min.js

Styles for FAQ: EC_faq.css

Images for the FAQ (referenced from the JS): plusImg.gif, minusImg.gif

Image for home page content for behind video


These files form part of the full text search version and the shared FAQ source (rather than having two copies, in the FAQ and Contact pages). They are used by the unlinked FAQ FT, FAQ UC and Contact UC pages.

JavaScript search library: EC_lunrmin.js

The FAQs: FAQ_text_min.js